Case Management.Assess, plan, link, evaluate and advocate - these are the core ideas behind case management at Support Services.
Our Purpose
The purpose of Support Services is:
To Assess We work alongside people living with and affected by HIV to identify their goals and needs. To Plan We work with people who access services to identify actions that will best help them to achieve their goals and meet their needs. To Link We connect or refer people who access our service to resources and other services in the community. To Evaluate We collect and review feedback from our service users to ensure that our assessments, planning and referrals best meet their needs. To Advocate We work alongside people who access our services to ensure their voices are heard on issues that are important to them. We defend and protect their rights, and we work to have their views and wishes that are being made about their lives. |
Our Services
To support people living with and affected by HIV, we offer counselling, community connections, group support and practical assistance.
Counselling Counselling is confidential and focuses on empowering people to build coping skills and navigate issues around new or recent diagnoses, relationships, sexual health, disclosure and stigma. Community Connections Community connections provides assistance with connecting people living with and affected by HIV to resources and services in the community. Group Support Peer-led and geared towards offering meaningful connections with other community members, Group Support helps to build resiliency of participants and offers opportunity for the learning of new skills. Practical Assistance Practical Assistance comes in the form of programs that offer food, vitamins, complimentary or subsidised therapies, volunteer drives to and from HIV care appointments and financial assistance with HIV related health care costs. For more information on any of these services, please call 905.576.1445 x113 |
Our Groups
Turning To One Another (TTOA)
TTOA is a skills-based peer program developed by the AIDS Bereavement and Resiliency Program of Ontario (ABRPO) BFAIAAU A confidential group for women, geared towards empowering people to build new coping skills and navigate issues such as new diagnoses, relationships, sexual health, disclosure and stigma. Gay POZ Guys Group Helps connect gay men, and men who have sex with men, to resources and services in the community that complements what ACDR is able to offer. Community Kitchen How to prepare nutritious and tasty recipes from a peer network. Learn from a peer, or teach a class yourself! |